Staying in and travelling to Corfu
For those looking to stay somewhere wonderful in Corfu Town, we recommend:
Villas & Suites www.ionianestates.com info@ionianestates.com
Corfu Palace www.corfupalace.com info@corfupalace.com
Cavalieri Hotel www.cavalieri-hotel-corfu-town.com info@cavalieri-hotel.com
Kontokali Bay www.kontokalibay.gr info@kontokalibay.gr
Travelling to Corfu from the UK takes just under three hours and there are a multitude of carriers
flying from several different airports.
British Airways www.britishairways.com
Norwegian Airways www.norwegianair.com
EasyJet www.easyjet.com
Ryanair www.ryanair.com
Tui www.tui.co.uk (formerly Thomson)
Tickets www.skyscanner.com
Should you wish to combine a visit to Athens with your trip to Corfu, there are direct flights
between the capital and the island taking approximately 45 minutes
Aegean Airlines www.aegeanair.com